Visit in Rütznow/Prusinowo, Pomerania, August 2004

Haus SWHausSWEinschulTanneGastgebUGrosselt
Schule SWSchuleKlassz1KLassz2

April 2008
Ruetzn08_1 Ruetzn08_2 Ruetzn08_3

In August 2004 we went from Berlin to Poland, in order to visit Rütznow in Pomerania, where Peter lived for much of the time during the war with his grandparents and where he started school in the fall of 1944. Peter and Caroline had been there already in 1989. This time we were lucky to have a young man with us who was fluent in Polish. We visited the house of the grandparents. These days several families live in it. One of the tenants, Mrs. Maziarz invited us for a cup of coffee. We also visited the school. the empty room is the room in which Peter had his first school days. At that time the school had only two rooms. The last photo shows the area that used to be the stable area of the estate. there is nothing left of the old buildings.

The black and white photos originate from the time of the war or are older then that. The third photo shows Peter in his school outfit. The fourth (color) photo shows a  pine tree, still standing behind the house, which was an important part of childhood memories. The old people are Peter's great-grandparents whom he did not know, though. The great-grandfather was a shepherd and it seems also a  forester in the large estate to which the village belonged. The chronicle reports that he went 60 km on foot when he was 80 years old and had to visit an authority office.

Thanks to an e-mail connection we had the surprise of getting some current photos of the house from our hosts.